
Thank you for your interest in enrolling at Greensborough College. In order to determine whether Greensborough is the most appropriate setting for your child please read through the provided information.


The College Council agreed to the development of an enrolment policy that had to fit the parameters set by the Department of Education and Training (DET). DET Enrolment Policy


Automatic right of entry: is granted for students;

  • For whom Greensborough College is their designated neighbourhood school. That is the school that is nearest to their permanent residential address measured as a straight-line distance.
  • Who have a sibling enrolled at Greensborough College. Sibling is defined as a brother or sister, or a half brother/sister or step brother/sister.
  • Note: These conditions for automatic entry to all Victorian Government Primary and Secondary Schools, except Selective Entry Schools.

To determine whether Greensborough College is your closest local government school then please use the information provided by Find my School

  • Enter your address
  • Change School Type to Secondary and click the number 7.
  • This list will show the closest schools.

Enrolment Process for Primary School to Secondary School Year 6-7 Transition 


Please note that for Grade 6 students there is a DET Timeline (Department of Education and Training) which can be found in the Year 6 to Year 7 Transition Information Pack. To download follow this link: 

Moving from Primary to Secondary School - Information for Parents/Carers



Please visit this link for Tips for Starting School (Secondary).


The DET 'Year 6-7 Transition: Application for Year 7 Placement forms are distributed by the primary schools early in Term 2 and must be returned to the primary school your child attends. On this form you will nominate the secondary school of your choice.
Grade 6 students are not required to complete our Expression of Interest for Enrolment Form.


Enrolment Process for Year 7-12 enrolment (not Grade 6 students)


Students wanting to enrol at Greensborough College should complete the Expression of Interest for Enrolment Form This document provides background information and also signals an interest in enrolling at Greensborough College.


Upon receipt of this information (by mail or in person at the college), an enrolment interview will be arranged.


Please note: Grade 6 students are not required to complete our Expression of Interest for Enrolment Form instead they complete the Application for Placement Form distributed by their Primary School.