Digital Technologies

In order to be granted access to the Digital Technologies provided by the College, all students at the College need to complete an Acceptable Use Agreement (AUA).

Acceptable Use Agreement


Upon enrolment at the College, all relevant documentation will be provided in the enrolment pack. 

Purchasing a Laptop

Families can choose from a range of devices through the LWT Order Portal. Families will have several options to choose from, including a choice of warranty and insurance options. This allows families to opt in to options, which should make the devices more affordable.

Please visit the following website:  to access the portal. Please navigate through the portal to organise your order, remembering to tick the box that you have read and agree to the Acceptable Use Agreement.

The IT support we provide and the roll out of new platforms to support student learning are best managed by standardising the laptops that are in use at the college. 

The LWT portal provides 3 choices of device and meet the minimum hardware specifications.


Any other questions? Please get in touch with us:


Borrowing procedures

At Greensborough College, students are encouraged to bring their own device for learning.

To support families in times when a student is unable to bring their device, the school has a set of laptops available for borrowing. This is a limited fleet of devices and is only available on a first-in, first-served basis. Please see below link to our Laptop Loan Policy which provides procedures for daily or short-term borrowing.


Laptop Borrowing Agreement

Laptop Repairs 

Students can bring their laptop to the IT Office for assessment. The laptop will be checked if it is a “Software” or “Hardware” issue.

If it is “Software” issue, IT Support will assess/fix the software.

If it is a “Hardware” fault and the laptop was purchased through the school portal (LWT), IT Support will log a repair job with LWT or check if there is Accidental damage insurance.

Laptops purchased from elsewhere need to be returned to place of purchase for assessment.

Please see link to below document for full details.


Laptop Repair Process