The Wellbeing Team here at Greensborough College are responsible for the provision, coordination and evaluation of welfare services provided by the College to students and their families.
In addition to the to the student services of the Welfare Coordinator, the school also engages the services of a school nurse who is available two days of each week. The role of the school nurse is to provide health education to students in the classroom as well as to be a resource for students’ health concerns on an individual basis. As with the Student Welfare Coordinator, students may approach the Nurse with issues that are of a confidential nature for advice or further action, should it be necessary.
The Wellbeing Team is made up of the following members:
Duties of the Wellbeing Team include:
Educational PsychologistsGreensborough College has Educational Psychologists on site one day a week. They are able to undertake educational assessments as well as work short term with students with wellbeing issues. Enquires about this service should be made directly to the Student Wellbeing Coordinator.
State Schools’ ReliefThis Committee provides assistance with shoes and clothing to students in need as determined by the Principal. The committee relies entirely on donations for its income. Application for consideration should be made through the Student Welfare Co-ordinator.
Resources for Parents:
Northern ParentzoneParentLineHeadspaceBanyule Community HealthDepartment of Education & Early Childhood
Child Youth and Mental Health Service (CYMHS) Austin
Eating Disorders Victoria
Resources for Students:
Banyule Youth Services
Whittlesea Youth Services
Kids Helpline
Youth Central
Youth Beyond Blue
The Butterfly Foundation