Curriculum & Assessment

Greensborough College is a school that is small enough for students to be known and cared for but large enough to offer a variety of curriculum and extra-curricular opportunities. As a school we Strive for Excellence and give our students the skills and knowledge to develop their abilities to achieve personally and contribute to the wider society.


In Years 7 and 8, students undertake a core curriculum program that is designed to build up the necessary skills and competencies for the choices they will make in the middle years. Academically able students have the opportunity to apply for the High Achievers Program. Students are offered support for literacy and numeracy if they require it.


In Years 9 and 10, students start to develop pathways and have the opportunity to make choices about their subjects in our elective program. Students can choose subjects they are interested in to further develop their skills.


In Year 10, students have the opportunity to complete a VCE, VM or VET (Vocational Education and Training) subject.


In  Year 11 and 12, we offer a wide range of VCE subjects from all disciplines allowing students to choose their subject areas of interest to help them excel. We also offer VCAL and VET subjects.


Course Overview: Years 7-8

  • English 
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Health and Physical Education
  • Connect (Social Emotional Capability)
  • Humanities
  • Art
  • Music
  • Drama
  • Languages - Italian
  • Food Technology
  • Digital Technologies
  • Design Technologies


  • Athlete Development Program (ADP) (Year Long)
  • Music Development Program (MDP) (Year Long) 
  • Semester based electives: Dance, ESports, Heroes & Villians, Rock & Rome, Vikings Myths & Legends, Music & Lego Lab.   

Year 7 & 8 Subject Selection Handbook 2025

Years 9-12

For more information about the curriculum choices at Greensborough College, please view our Course Selection Handbooks.


Year 9 Subject Selection Handbook 2025


Year 10 Subject Selection Handbook 2025


In Year 11+12- pathways available include: VCE (Victorian Certificate of Education), VM (Vocational Major), VET (Vocational Education and Training) and SBAT (School Based Apprenticeship and Traineeships).


VCE Subject Selection Handbook 2025



Assessment & Reporting




Greensborough College endeavours to provide a reporting system that ensures parents and carers are frequently informed of their child’s educational progress in a timely manner. 


Continuous reporting is the process of reporting regularly throughout the year. Parents and carers get an up to date, timely snapshot of what their child is learning and how they are progressing throughout the year.


Continuous reporting at Greensborough College consists of three key components: 

  • Interim Reports Term 1 and Term 3, which allow parents, carers and students to see how academic performance is linked to well-developed ‘Work habits’. 
  • Continuous feedback on Compass Learning Tasks (see tasks under ‘Assessment’) which include an assessment rubric and/or comments on achievement and improvement.
  • Summary Reports at the end of Semester 1 and Semester 2.



LEARNING TASKS – Common Assessment Tasks (CATs) and School Assessed Coursework (SACs)


Common Assessment Tasks (CATs) and School Assessed Coursework (SACs) are completed to demonstrate learning over a unit or topic. On Compass Learning Tasks, an ‘Assessment task’ will include: 

Task Details: this provides information regarding the key skills and key knowledge being assessed, the type of assessment being completed and a completion/submission date. 

Detailed Results: this includes teacher feedback in terms of achievements and areas for improvement. An assessment rubric and/or comments are uploaded.


How many CAT/SAC Learning Tasks will my child receive? 


You can expect the following throughout the semester: 


  • Year 7-10: Minimum 3 CATs for Core Subjects (English and Mathematics) and 2 CATs for all other subjects per Semester


  • VCE: at least 1 Learning Task for each School Assessed Coursework (SAC) for each VCE subject. The actual SAC is not uploaded, this learning task is created for the comments or rubric to be available to students and parents.



How does the Continuous learning, assessment and feedback process work?

  • Curriculum Maps are distributed to students and parents at the start of each semester, outlining the units of study and assessments for each subject.
  • Units of study are taught in class. Assessment and feedback opportunities are provided throughout the unit and teachers track learning progress.
  • Learning tasks are set by the classroom teacher on Compass. These can be ‘formative’ (assessment during the unit of study) and ‘summative’ (end of unit assessment).
  • Students complete the CAT/SAC for the unit of study and submit.
  • The teacher assesses the student work.
  • The teacher notifies students and parents that feedback is available on Compass and discusses feedback in class.
  • Parents and students access Compass Learning tasks at home and discuss the feedback given.
  • Parents are encouraged to follow up with teachers if they have any concerns.